Telegram Integration

It is possible to have Telegram messages received by the BotManager. To do this, you have to establish a communication with the BotManager Telegram Bot and tell BotManager your Telegram User ID.

This feature is currently only used by the Automation and Margin Watch Add-Ons. Both Add-Ons can send automatic status notifications. See here for Margin Watch and here for Automation.

Step by Step Guide


  • Of course a Telegram account 😄

Step 1 - Establish communication on Telegram

You need to first send a message to the BotManager Bot on Telegram before the Bot can send messages to you. Contact the Bot by click this link: and type "/start"

Step 2 - Finding out your Telegram Telegram User ID

Contact the userinfobot at and type "/start"

You should then see your Telegram ID.

Step 3 - Let BotManager know your Telegram User ID

Click on the Button Discord & Telegram Integration

Paste your Telegram User ID in that field and click Send Test Message to receive a Test Message from the BotManager Bot on Telegram.

Click on Apply. The BotManager Bot will now send Notifications to you via Telegram.

Step 4 - Turn on Notifications

See here for Margin Watch and here for Automation.

Last updated